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Women’s leadership and Think Tanks in Central Africa: what impact on public policy?
Following their creation in Europe and their subsequent spread in America, think tanks are gradually taking roots on the African continent (1). Indeed, public...
The resilience of civil society organizations in the context of a shrinking civic space...
The civic space allows citizens to freely exercise certain basic freedoms without hindrance such as, freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of...
Steadfastness in Perilous Times: The role of Governance and Democracy Think Tanks in Spotlighting...
The prevalence and rising trend of authoritarianism is a significant challenge confronting many Francophone African countries (1). In response to this trend, governance...
Placing the Human at the Centre of Healthcare Delivery in Cameroon
In late March 2024, the Nkafu Policy Institute screened a short documentary film about Monique Koumatekel, a young pregnant woman who died together with...
Interview with Christian Achaleke
Youth engagement is increasingly recognized as a cornerstone for sustainable peace and development. In Cameroon, a country grappling with significant security challenges, the role...
Women With Disabilities and Politics in Cameroon: Realities, Challenges, and Opportunities
Article 2 of Law No. 2010/002 of 13 April 2010 on the protection and promotion of persons with disabilities defines a disabled person as...